What is The Gazette Gives Back? 

The Gazette Gives Back is an annual program supporting nonprofits across Eastern Iowa by providing free advertising credits to raise awareness of their mission and services available. Selected nonprofits participate in a Gazette reader voting campaign to determine the amount of free advertising credits each will receive. The GGB will offer over $525,000 in advertising credit throughout 2021.

How can a nonprofit participate? 

Nonprofits must a registered 501c3 organization to apply. A call for applications occurs every year during the month of August and selected nonprofits are notified in October. Nonprofits that are not selected for GGB program are offered alternative resources available by The Gazette, with the ability to re-apply during the next application cycle.

Why did the 2020 GGB participants automatically carry over into 2021? 

The Gazette Gives Back participants have faced many challenges in 2020, causing cancellations and disruptions to marketing plans. The Gazette made the decision to keep our 2020 Gives Back participants for the 2021 calendar year so these organizations may utilize the GGB resources to their full capacity. Applications for the next program cycle will be available in August 2021.

When is the Voting Campaign and Who is Eligible to Vote?

The annual voting campaign begins Thanksgiving Day and extends through December 31. Voters may review information about participating nonprofits on this website, then determine which organizations they want to support through votes. A paper ballot is also available in print editions of The Gazette throughout the month of December. Anyone with access to the online or paper ballot Gazette Gives Back voting campaign may vote. By voting for your favorite GGB participant, you are increasing the amount of free advertising credits they will receive during the calendar year ahead.

Other tips for voting:

  • • Subscribers to The Gazette will receive 5 votes to distribute to their favorite nonprofit participants. Non-subscribers have 1 vote.
  • • At the end of the voting campaign, GGB participants are notified of the number of votes received and how much they have earned in free advertising credit for the upcoming year.
  • • Voting is free and limited to one visit per subscriber or non-subscriber.

Questions, Issues or Requests:

To request an online form for the next GGB cycle, go to the "Submit Your Nonprofit!" tab on the home page of this website (www.thegazette.com/givesback)

General Inquiries: Quinn Pettifer at 319-398-8240 or quinn.pettifer@thegazette.com

The views and opinions expressed in the Gazette Gives Back participant summaries are those of the individual organizations and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Gazette or the program sponsor.